The 1 Less Bag: Helping Cyclists reduce their use of disposable plastic bags
Never get stranded without a bag again. Store this foldable backpack anywhere on your bike to have it handy next time you forget your reusable bag. Best of all, keep the single-use plastic bags out of the ocean.
Keep It On Your Bike

The 1 Less bag is designed to be kept on your bike. Now, you might be asking yourself “but where could I put it on mine?”
Under your seat. Attach the buckle around your seat rails for the stealthiest storage method.
On your brake stays. If you have disk brakes, this works great. If you have rim brakes, you may or may not be able to fit it without interrupting the brake callipers. This one is up to you to try out.
On your pannier rack. You could easily strap this at the back, front, or on the side of your rear rack as well.
On your belt or in a pocket. Let’s say you’re a bicycle minimalist. You like to keep your bike as pure looking as possible. You can attach the bag to your belt in civilian clothes or in a cycling jersey pocket, no problem.
In your bag. Whether that’s a bike bag or not, keeping an extra 10L of storage in your bags is always useful in a pinch. (And you can avoid using single-use bags.)

Pannier Hack
Speaking of bags on and off your bike. I have used this bag as a pannier bag on my rear rack before. It’s not too difficult either.
Step 1: Pull the straps out from the adjustment sliders.
Step 2: Pass the back straps behind the rack’s rim.
Step 3: Re-thread the straps through the adjustment sliders and tighten. Make sure to tie up the loose ends of the strap to avoid any flyaways jamming your wheel or your gears.

Why “1 Less” Bag
Let’s face it, mother nature is suffering, so we all need to do our part. I don’t want to bore you with the stats about plastic, so I won’t. I’m just here to say that a small change in habit can make a big impact. If the people of Denmark can use an average of 4 plastic bags per year, everyone can. And besides, some governments have already started to ban the use of these bags across the world. Might as well get used to it ahead of time.
We all want to do the right thing, but sometimes we forget our bags. The 1 Less bag is designed to be left on your bike so that you never forget your reusable bag again. So, now you have no excuse for using plastic bags, right?. Now, get out there and save the planet 1 less plastic bag at time.
(Riding your bike also helps a lot, so you’re already saving the planet!)
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